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Petrol and diesel prices in Europe May 17 2024

Chart showing fuel costs, price of petrol and diesel in euros

Fuel prices in Europe: the cost of petrol and diesel in Europe. Petrol and diesel prices in Euros May 17 2024

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This page shows the price of petrol and diesel in Europe. We monitor fuel prices across Europe and update this page whenever prices have changed enough to make a worthwhile difference. Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine prices shot up. Since that event the price of petrol and diesel in Europe has fluctuated, recently falling back a little, but fuel is still more expensive than before..

Our price comparison chart enables you to sort by country, and by diesel or petrol price. This is useful if you are crossing borders as you can easily see whether to fill up before leaving your current country or wait until you've crossed the border. Planning when and where to fill up, if you're crossing borders, can result in worthwhile savings.

Note that many ferry companies are offering bookings for 2024 with free cancellation guarantees, but make sure you read the conditions on refunds if things don't go according to plan.

The prices shown below are an average for petrol and diesel prices in supermarkets. Just as in the UK you will pay way more if you fill up on a motorway. Denmark is out on its own as the most expensive country for petrol, with Finland close behind. Denmark and Finland top the table for diesel. Poland is the only country where prices have risen recently, although it's still one of the least expensive countries for petrol and diesel. Differing taxation policies, and of course global political and economic uncertainties, have made changes erratic, so check our chart carefully.

France is now (17 May 2024) at least 10 cents a litre more expensive then the UK for petrol, so worth filling up before you leave the UK, but about 10 cents cheaper for diesel, so fill up after you leave the ferry in France.

In the popular tourist destination of Spain fuel prices are much cheaper than in the UK by at least as much as 40 cents per litre so it makes sense to wait to fill up until leaving the ferry in Spain.

As of May 17 2024 the UK is now joint second for diesel (with Denmark) with Finland most expensive. and around the middle of the price range for petrol.

Prices in the Netherlands with its ferry services between Harwich and the Hook of Holland and Hull and Rotterdam are similar than the Uk for petrol and diesel, although, just like here, they do vary significantly throughout the country. If you're just travelling through the Netherlands it can be difficult to find cheap fuel unless you leave the motorways.

Petrol and Diesel prices per litre in Euros May 17 2024
Click the column headings to sort by country or price.

Austria€ 1.60€ 1.59
Belgium€ 1.59€ 1.61
Denmark€ 2.09€ 1.83
Finland€ 1.80€ 1.89
France€ 1.87€ 1.73
Germany€ 1.79€ 1.65
Greece€ 1.95€ 1.65
Italy€ 1.85€ 1.71
Luxembourg€ 1.59€ 1.60
Netherlands€ 1.69€ 1.69
Norway€ 1.54€ 1.65
Poland€ 1.59€ 1.58
Portugal€ 1.86€ 1.70
Spain€ 1.49€ 1.68
Sweden€ 1.56€ 1.49
Switzerland€ 1.82€ 1.72
UK (in euros)€ 1.74€ 1.83


To make comparisons easier this chart shows all petrol and diesel prices in Euros. But payment must be made in local currency for countries not using Euros. U.K. prices are also in Euros to help you compare.

The chart is updated about once every couple of months unless there are significant price changes. This update 17 May 2024. The data is collected from various sources, some from official government websites, some from fuel companies' sites, some from price comparison sites in the respective countries. and some from our own travels.

The prices for petrol and diesel relate to the average. When you first arrive in a country drive for a while before you fill up, so you can get an idea of the prices on offer.

Supermarket petrol stations are mostly closed on Saturday afternoons, Sundays, bank holidays and during the late evening and night, although most have automatic payment pumps. This trend to automatic pumps is spreading across many parts of Europe, and not just in supermarkets. Many supermarkets are now auto pumps only, and service stations are moving this way.

Automatic pumps mostly accept UK Visa and Mastercard credit cards, but not always debit cards or pre-paid currency cards such as CaxtonFX. Keep your tank topped up outside working hours unless on motorways, where fuel is always available.

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